Sunday, May 31, 2009

Single Serving Friends, and I Dont Mean Tyler Durden

I've had alot of what I like to call "Single Serving Friends", or those who only befriend you for a single day at a time, like when they want something. And it always pains me to find out who those single serving friends are when I just didnt see it coming. This particular person I thought had become a great friend, a real BFF, someone I just clicked with. We had alot in common, and we just "got each other". I would sometimes see the "SSF" shine through in her, but thought no, she's just having a bad day, or whatever other excuse I could come up with.

But now, the more and more I think about it, I think that we DID become BFFs, but then something changed to turn her into SSF. She introduced me to some of her friends, but now I hang out with them and she cant, becuase she is married with 3 little kids. She makes it a point now to exclude me on certain things. She now has a new SSF who she never hung out with before, who is now attached at her hip.

I dont know, I guess maybe I am just whining, but it honestly does hurt my feelings when this happens. At least just be honest and an adult, ya know? Dont use me. Dont talk about how everyone else in town isnt honest and loves to talk behind backs instead of just coming to your face, etc. then turn around and do the same thing. Im almost sorry we met, because now I just dont trust a word you say. I dont know what your motives are at any given time. Ive done nothing but not judge you and be your friend, but I guess that wasnt good enough. I wish you were Tyler Durden, because at least he isnt real.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

TAG! You're It!

Tag! You're It!
I just got tagged on a friend's blog, so I'm it! If you have a blog, YOU'RE IT! Stef

8 Things I Look Forward To:

Moving to Austin in a few months, and hopefully settling down.
Having a boyfriend again
Making new friends
Finding a job, making money, and SHOPPING!!
Having my own place again
Watching The Wrestler tonight
Going to Wilmington to go surfing with Simmons soon!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
Slept and battled a migraine
Watched "Doubt"....great movie.
Smiled about the night before
Made and ate a sausage and egg scramble for breakfast.
Cleaned the house
Got asked out on a date by a 22 year old.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
Be independently wealthy so I only had to work if I wanted to, not because I have to.
Move tomorrow
Tell him how I REALLY feel and what I REALLY want from us
Get the tattoos I want RIGHT NOW
Get all my belongs back
Sing and/or play the guitar
Find a Good job!!

8 Shows I Watch:

Project Runway
Top Chef
Daisy of Love/Rock of Love
The Office
Breaking Bad

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dont hate me because I'm beautiful, cuz this shit costs a fortune.

It truly baffles the mind how much women will pay to look pretty. Or rather, how much vendors charge for merchandise, although they are on the right track...cuz women will pay for it!! Let's take for example Dickies. Every guy I know lives in Dickies. Why, cuz they look cool and they cheap. Like $15 per pair cheap. So, my ex and I go to the Dickies Store, where I find an awesome mini-skirt. For the same price as THREE pairs of men's pants, I can buy a 12x30 inch piece of denim. WTF!! Of course, it was super cute and looked hot, so I had to buy it.

Another case in point, this wedding I am in this weekend. I will be out $350 before even putting any clothes on!! Hair, nails, makeup. Then factor in dress, shoes, accessories, and purse. I did actually get my dress and shoes on sale, and remarkably spent less than $150 on both. And I did get a dress that will break the cardinal rule of not wearing the same dress to more than one function. This is definately a re-wearable dress, so I hope to have some use for it some other day.

So guys, when your woman asks you does this make me look fat, do I look good, or some other variation of the same question, for god sake tell her she looks beautiful. It would blow your mind how much time, money, and effort went into the look. We pretty much always think you look "fine", unless of course we bought and picked out your outfit for you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thanks for Flying the Friendly Skies- Part 2

MAN!! I love blogging while I am on an airplane!! So much shit and so many people to talk about!! LOL First off let me tell you that I am at the end of the fuckin’ earth here in aisle 32, seat F. Yep, the one right next to the bathroom. At the very back of the plane. On the window. You know, I booked this ticket over 6 weeks ago, I don’t feel that I deserve this placement. The dude sitting next to me (BTW is 6’2” middle seat, already tried to switch with me, I said NO) got his ticket last night. WTF? I get the fucking literally LAST seat on the plane?? OK man.

Ok, so, D-Bag sitting next to me, who is like 25, just told me that he is a Record Exec from Chicago who manages the “Urban Genre”. Ummmmm, so the Rap music? I asked him what the “Urban Genre” consisted of, and he was lacking for an answer. Couldn’t really tell me anything. Urban….I’m thinking Hip Hop? Go-Go? Reggae? Punk?? Industrial?? Shit, throw me a bone here, guy. He sealed his fate as a punk ass intern liar after he asked me what type of music I liked. I mentioned punk, and he said Yeah! I love Punk Music!! Like Blink 182 “All the Small Things”?? Ummm…yeah, pretty much NO. I mentioned Reggae, oh yeah Dude he LOVES some Bob Marley. Which, I guess that is a start; I would just think a “record exec” would know his stuff. Oh and also, I mentioned he was in the middle seat in the very end row?? It was because his “secretary” totally screwed up his travel arrangements. Uh, don’t you think you could have upgraded to First Class then?? For god sake, what a TOOL!! I’m thinking the chick sitting next to him is buying it though. Hey, I guess that’s what single serving friends are all about.

Ok, so its been forever!

Since I last visited here. I know there are some voyeurs out there that have been fiending for this, but I guess I've just had other things on my mind and just been putting my energy into other things. Since I have last written, my Grandmother passed away, at 8pm on March 4th. Although difficult, it was for the best. We miss her dearly every day but she is not forgotten!

I can not WAIT for this weekend to be over with. Rhondas wedding is this weekend, and what with all the preparation, expenses, etc. it's been super stressful and I will be glad when it is all over with. I think that we have planned a gorgeous night, but again, just cant wait for it to be over with. I leave for Austin to see Meredith that following Wednesday, and I am STOKED!!! I cant WAIT to have a REAL vacation!! We have alot of fun things planned, including some touristy things, and we'll be doing some apartment searching as well. I'm also looking forward to seeing Watson that little Bitch!! :) Its been a long time!

Ok well, I wrote a blog while on my way to Denver, but never uploaded it. I"ll do that now. It's much more entertaining than this one is. More to come!!