Monday, October 25, 2010

A day in my life, rearing it's old head. OUCH

Patellar tendinitis or "jumper's knee" is a condition resulting from overuse of the knee. The patellar tendon is a structure that attaches the quadriceps muscle group to the tibia (shin bone). The patella (knee cap) is a sesamoid (floating bone) incorporated into the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon is also referred to as the patellar ligament; some anatomists believe that since this structure connects the patella to tibia it should be classified as a ligament. Ligaments connect bone to bone while tendons connect muscles to bone.

Tendinitis is simply the inflammation of a tendon. This can be due to numerous factors. Some of the more common factors associated with this condition are:

a rapid increase in the frequency of training,
sudden increase in the intensity of training,
transition from one training method to another,
repeated training on a rigid surface,
improper mechanics during training,
genetic abnormalities of the knee joint, and/or
poor base strength of the quad muscles.
Any or all of these factors can lead to the development of patellar tendinitis.

Basketball players are the most common athletes to experience this problem. Many athletes will make a transition from football to basketball during the school year. These two sports place entirely different stresses on the knee joint. The transition itself may be the only factor contributing to the condition. Other factors in these athletes may include: a change in training surface, increased amounts of continuous running and/or jumping, and the pounding associated with football.

The signs and symptoms of patellar tendinitis are fairly easy to detect. The athlete will complain of:
pain in the area of the tendon,
the knee will often feel "tight,"
pain will be experienced early in the workout and after the workout is completed,
there may be some subtle swelling of the tendon, and
the athlete may feel that the tendon is "squeaking."
Treatment of this condition begins with continuation of a general fitness and flexibility program. The best treatment is prevention! The multi-sport athlete should utilize proper conditioning techniques to ease the transition from one sport to another. Proper conditioning should include aerobic fitness, lower body strength training, and lower body flexibility training. Flexibility is very important in preventing overuse injuries such as patellar tendinitis.

Once the condition is present, there are several treatment options. The athlete is strongly encouraged to remain active in practice as well as rehabilitation so that he/she will not detrain, fail to keep up on the offensive and defensive schemes of the game, and most importantly loose the mental drive to compete. The rehabilitation should be designed to decrease the symptoms, strengthen the muscles of the quad region and improve hamstring and quad flexibility.

Also, factors that may pre-dispose the athlete to this injury should be isolated and corrected. This could be as simple as improving the conditioning of the athlete (e.g. non-pounding conditioning such as interval training on a bicycle rather than running). If the tendinitis is due to a strength imbalance in the quadriceps and hamstrings, the athlete should begin exercises to target the weak muscles of the quads or hamstrings.

A General Rehabilitation Program Should Include
Non-impact aerobic conditioning,
Flexibility training for quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups,
Decrease in predisposing factors,
Use of physician prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications,
Use of theraputic modalities, such as: Ultrasound, Electric Muscle Stimulation, or Iontophoresis*,
Cryotherapy (ice massage or ice packs),
Strengthening exercises, such as: leg press, side step-ups, and mini squats, and
Return to full competition as symptoms allow.
* These treatments must be prescribed by a physician and performed by the licensed health care professionals such as Athletic Trainers.

Treating this condition begins with prevention through a structured off-season, in-season, and transition season. Once the tendinitis occurs one must first recognize the predisposing factors, whether it is the repeated pounding of running on a poor floor, rapid increase in jumping, or a strength imbalance. If this condition goes unchecked, the tendon may form scar tissue in the irritated area, resulting in a career of fighting off the tendinitis whenever there is an increase in volume or intensity of the training sessions.


It never ceases to me amaze me the fuck-nut things people put on their resumes. Seriously, how does that fact that you weigh 170 lbs, like to drink budweiser and listen to country music give you the advantage of being hiring? Seriously. I'm sure you are hoping that I too, like to drink Budweiser and listen to country music, therefore we will "connect" and you will therefore become the top candidate for the job....Yeah, not so. It makes me think you are an idiot. It makes me think you are a redneck. And it makes me think that you are unprofessional, above all else.

So this blog, which will remain "open" and ongoing, is a list of "what not to do", and is dedicated to all of you out there who like to drink Bud and Listen to Country music, as listed on your "Hobbies" section of your resume.

1.The only thing missing here is your SSN...give that to me and I can open a credit card in your name:

Date of Birth: July 20, 1962
Height: 5’6
...Weight: 170
General health: Excellent
Marital status: Married, 1 child 12 years old

2. Do not apply for a job "as a team." Unless you are in the movie Stepbrothers. Seriously. I mean, are you serious! I wonder what would happen if I only wanted to hire one of you?

Dear Hiring Manager,
We are who you are looking for, and we have been looking for you.
We are a professional team, eager to begin our career in property management.
Collectively, we possess the skills you seek. Additionally, we have completed a property management program.
We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss what we have to offer your growing team.

3. Your resume should never contain the word "Fab".
That's awesome! Have a FAB day!!

4. There's this new thing called spellcheck, ever heard of it??????
"I was in charge filing out leases, anwering phone, hqabdleing cash, and keeping tenats happy and completly fill the apartnets and a lot of customer sevice was invloved."

5. Please do not put your "born and raised in" town on your resume, dont put your kids names and ages, dont put your astrological sign, or the name of your elementary school. Seriously.

6.Never put an "Interesting Facts" section on your resume. The facts are not intersting to anyone but you.

7. Please make sure your dates and times add up. And what exactly have you been doing in Community College for the past 7 years?

"I was laid off in 2007 when my company closed its doors. I had only worked there for 8 months. Since then, I have continued to attend Community College, where I have gone since 2004. I have over 15 years of industry experience." REALLY?

8. This has NOTHING to do with your experience:
Indeed people are looking for an experience when working with a real estate professional. I found this out after a group of Harvard Law students recommended me to their friends after a blissful home shopping experience with me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Back By Popular Demand

Man!! I haven't blogged in about a year, but here I am again, back by popular demand. Have had numerous folks beg me to start blogging again...I guess the shanigans of my life are amusing to those around me! Glad to be there for you all!

Anyways, I just went back and read my old blogs...WOW!! That seems like eons ago, and certainly a different lifetime ago. And in many ways, it was. SO much has changed since my last blog, which many of you are aware of. I moved to Austin in July of 2009, and its been a bumpy yet life changing ride since my arrival. I lost my beloved Ruca 3 weeks after moving here to a neurological condition, and I miss my Little Bear with every passing day. On a more positive note, I now have a new baby, LuLu (aka Meezer or The Meez), that I adopted from Town Lake Animal Shelter. She is my gigantic baby, a 55 pound blue pitbull. She is the sweetest little monkey around, but such a handful! And definately MUCH stronger than I am!

In other positive news, I have been reuninted with the love of my life, Javier. I knew 11 years ago that he would be the man I would marry, and despite our ups and downs and few years spent apart, he moved to Austin to be with me, and I know without a doubt he is my soul mate and my best friend. He doesnt love the Meez as much as I do, but he's coming around :) Ruca was his baby also, and I know he wishes he could have been here to kiss her goodbye.

As I wrote about ages ago, I moved to Austin becuase of the job market. Well, needless to say, the job market is NOT stellar here in Austin; I have yet to find a full time job here in Austin. I feel recruiters are shit out of luck x2 especially....our jobs become kind of pointless if there are no other jobs out there! I have been fortunate enough though to find two other jobs that overwork and under pay me. Working at BBB is not all it is cracked up to be, but I do enjoy the discounts!! If you are in need of some housewares, let me know and I'll hook it up!

Ok well, this was a boring post, no real topic here, but just wanted to say I'm Back, and expect more entertaining blogs from me again in the near future. Thanks for reading!