Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Its Time To Lose Control

You know what, if I want to drink a beer, I'm gonna drink a beer.
Really, if I want to get fucked up, I'm gonna get fucked up.
I NEVER drive drunk. Plain and simple.
Maybe I dont want to tell you every detail of my life.
Get over it. Leave it alone. Notice I didnt say Leave "me" alone.
Just deal. Like every other person in the world does. You dont have to know everything. By wanting to know everyting you become annoying. Just Be.

I think you all have enough issues of your own you could deal with, that neither I or my brother talk about or pry about. We, all 4 of us are all adults, and ya'll can come to us just as easily or as more difficultly than you thihk. Wait, did that make sense???What Im saying is YOU ARENT PERFECT. PLEASE. Get off your high horse and realize you may play a part of fucking your kids up. How they scream at their children. Or have other issues to deal with. I find it odd that I can 100% self diagnose myself, yet if I even mention it to you, you become The Martyr who Did the Best They Could.

You know what??? I have issues that I have learned to deal with. I dont need another shrink, christian councelor, or any other third party to explain what my problem is. I have issues with YA'LL that are my problem. I mean fuck, I LOVE it cold in my room. If you dont sleep in here, then why do you care how cold it is??? Get over it!! You sleep in a fricking snow suit every night...I would sweat my ass off in 10 minutes!!!!! I dont say anything about it because I dont care...You dont need to say anything about it either!!!!!

You know I have had a sleeping problem since I was a child...why does it come as such a shock to you, 33 years in, that I have a sleeping problem?? I mean really. Get the fuck over it, I cant sleep. Its been 33 years now. Act like you know something about me, Im an insomniac, I have sleeping problems, whatever.

Damn, I totally lied tonight. I DO LOVE DRINKING BEER. I actually DONT, however, get drunk and drive. Despite your popular belief. I dont want to lose my license for ONE DAY again...man, i have learned my lesson. Fuck that noise. But just because I like to drink beer does not an alcoholic make. I make GOOD decisions. I have my shit togheter. Yall make whatever judgements/asumptions you want.

Damn Im not even done ranting, but man, Leave Me Alone!!!!! Just for the night, let me be!!!