Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My So Called Life

Remember that short lived TV Show from the '90s, the one that introduced Claire Danes and Jared Leto to the world, the one that exposed and explored teenage angst at its worst? The one that depicted arguments with friends, trust issues, and broken hearts? Well, as I teenager/young adult, I was fully capable of identifying with all the issues depicted in the show. But I thought that as I got older, those issues and that angst would disappear. Not so much. I seem to find myself in a perpetual cycle of funk. A couple of great months, and then all the shit hits the fan at once.

I have recently found myself growing further and further apart from a long time friend, and I wonder when is enough enough. Are we bound to each for life since we have been friends for 15+ years (high school through the present), or is it ok to cut the cord? Should I have to continually apologize for my opinion and my decisions, and basically bow down to her for whatever she wants, just to keep our friendship alive? I dont think so. Thats not what friends do. I shouldnt have to do that. I think friendship is a relationship of give and take, yet I seem to be the only one that feels that way. I shouldn't be made to feel insignificant or inferior to someone who is supposed to be my best friend. But at the same time, am I ready to make a clean break and leave her behind forever?

The answer is, I just dont know. What I know is that we have both changed, both evolved. Married couples often get divorced, but what do friends do? I guess the only answer is to keep evolving to find the right answers. Isn't that what life is about? Time will tell.


  1. Oh man, friend breakups are WORSE than romantic ones! It's so complicated... Sometimes people grow apart, though, and sometimes people are in your life for a reason or a season; so don't beat yourself up if this relationship doesn't make it through. And maybe you two just need a break!!! Hang in there...

    And welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Sounds like this is a growth period. Friendships change, sometimes you grow together, sometimes apart, sometimes you never find each other again and sometimes you needed to just get to know the person again as we all change as we get older. Don't give up on it, though! As long as at the end of the day you can say you did all that you could to make it work, that is all you can ask for.
