Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'll Take Fear of Failure for $200, Alex

As I sit here alone, after having gotten more or less stood up by Guy#1 from my previous post, I need to give a big shout out to Lindsay Lohan and her character in Mean Girls. How random that I have found some clarity from some teeny bopper movie that pits the dorks against The Plastics. Actually, it was the "mathletes" that really did it for me. Let me explain.

I have always loved watching Jeopardy, and for some untold reason, I seem to be overflowing with useless facts and knowledge. I have always dreamed of trying out for Jeopardy, but was afraid of what people might think (what a nerd), that I might make a fool of myself...that I might be that sorry person at the end who is ineligible for Final Jeopardy because they are in the negative dollars.

So, while LiLo's character becomes Plastic turned Mathletes champ, and here I still sit alone and kicking myself becuase I KNEW he would do this once again, I have decided to go for it. I have just registered for the online Jeopardy test. You know, why continue to "fail" in my efforts that I have no control over, i.e., said "date/friend" that stood me up (why I thought this time would be different I have no idea), when I could potentially succeed in something that I truly want to do? Why not control my own fate and make my own decisions, rather than relying on others to give me some mistaken sense of success? If I bomb the test, if I make it onto Jeopardy and make a complete ass out of myself, at least I tried. At least I was true to myself. And maybe I will refer to this blog during my "introduction" on know those cheesy stories that people tell about themselves? Hell, it cant more cheesy than giving a shout out to Lindsay Lohan.

Let's Go Steelers!

1 comment:

  1. who cares if you make a complete ass out of yourself? all of the morons at home will still be sitting there 'thinking' they're smarter than you, but knowing they don't have the balls to try.

    I don't know about you, but I'd always rather say 'I wish I hadn't' than 'I wish I had'

    (and no. the shout out to lindsay lohan is waaaay cheesier!)
